Win your tickets for the comedy “LA FILLE DU PUISATIER” at the Casino Municipal de Beaucaire

Adaptation and staging of the work of Marcel PAGNOL by Jean-Claude BAUDRACCO

Compagnie Baudraco, created in 1997 by Jean-Claude Baudracoactor and director, began with cabaret shows for 5 years, including in particular excerpts from the plays Cigalon and marius of Marcel Pagnol.

Jean-Claude Baudracco adapted Marcel Pagnol’s work for the theater for the first time in 2010. After the successes of Marius, Fanny, César and La femme du boulanger, for several seasons, in the six corners of France, the director on stage and its talented actors – veritable guardians of the temple of the southern repertoire – play this other masterpiece by Marcel Pagnol: “The Well-Digger’s Daughter”. A poignant drama in a Provençal fresco from which stand out colorful situations and characters.

In 1939, at the dawn of the Second World War, Patricia, the daughter of the well-digger, Pascal Amoretti, finds herself pregnant by Jacques Mazel, a young aviator, the only son of a family of wealthy traders. However, it is mobilized. Social differences being very marked at the time, his parents refused to recognize the child. Among the common people of that time, having a child without a father was a great misfortune. Amoretti is forced to kick his daughter out of the family home. Shortly after, Jacques Mazel is reported missing, his plane having crashed, in flames behind the German lines… …a poignant drama, in a Provençal fresco, from which stand out colorful situations and characters…

Listen France Bleu Gard-Lozere
and try to win your tickets!

The Well-Digger’s Daughter” Municipal Casino of Beaucaire
Saturday, October 22 at 8:30 p.m.

To participate in our games only one number to remember:

04 66 21 36 37
(free service + call price)

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