The question of a possible police protection for Sandrine Rousseau is under study

Regularly the victim of threats on social networks, the ecofeminist MP could soon benefit from police protection. The Ministry of the Interior is seriously considering this possibility.

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After having had access to violent messages sent to Sandrine Rousseau, the Ministry of the Interior decided to launch an assessment of the threat hanging over the ecologist MP, franceinfo learned on Tuesday October 11, confirming information from the newspaper L’Opinion [article payant].

Sandrine Rousseau confirms to that she received an SMS from the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, in the afternoon. In the coming days, it will transmit the material elements on these growing threats since the end of the summer. The elected official must also receive a letter from the director general of the national police, who will indicate to her that an evaluation of the UCLAT (Unit for the coordination of the fight against terrorism) is launched. This risk analysis will then make it possible to decide whether or not the establishment of police protection is necessary. This is the usual procedure, when a personality, such as MP EELV, is the subject of threats.

Sandrine Rousseau “is the target of coordinated attacks as a rule”, in particular on social networks, according to the declarations of his entourage to franceinfo. “It’s super violent, we don’t know how she’s holding up, we ask her to stop walking alone in the street.” Even before the Julien Bayou affair broke out last month, the MP had already filed three complaints for death threats against her.

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