Nicolas Hulot leaves public life the day before a journalistic investigation


Article written by

B. Delombre, B. Barnier, E.Denis, T. Mongellaz, C. Ricco – France 3

France Televisions

Faced with new accusations of sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape, Nicolas Hulot announced his final withdrawal from public life Wednesday, November 24, on the eve of the broadcast of an investigation by Special Envoy.

After forty years of public and political life, Nicolas Hulot announced his final withdrawal from the media space on Wednesday, November 24. “I am definitely leaving public life, simply because I am disgusted”, he launched on the set of BFM TV. His departure is due to testimonies, broadcast Thursday, November 25 in Special Envoy, which overwhelms him and accuses him of sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape.

In the long report, the result of four years of investigation, the journalists of Special Envoy collected the testimony of four women who claim to have suffered sexual violence at the hands of Nicolas Hulot. “These are women that I have met on several occasions, often in the offspring, in cafes or at their homes”, declares journalist Virginie Vilar, alongside Elise Lucet, who noted several similarities in the testimonies of these women who do not know each other: “There are really similarities, there are really testimonies that echo”, says the journalist.

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