Mbappé wants to leave this winter? “Scandalous” for Parisian supporters

This is outrageous in every way“, fumes Vincent, PSG jersey on his back, posted not far from the red carpet on the forecourt of the Parc des Princes. He scrolls on the screen of his phone and rereads the information concerning the wish to Kylian Mbappé to leave PSG this winterinformation confirmed to France Bleu Paris
this Tuesday.

In terms of timing already, just before a Champions League match, just before the classic against OM, a month before the World Cup. Since the start of the season he has been dragging his spleen, so I understand that he is disappointed if he has been promised things. But when he sulks he is no good. He has every interest in rediscovering his joie de vivre and he will regain his football. If he wants to win individual trophies, like the Ballon d’Or, he won’t do it alone, it’s with the collective.”

Beside him, Alan does not lose his temper. “It is shamefulwe are in the middle of the season, it’s an important week, the player shows all his selfishness, he puts his little person before the club, I can’t wait for him to leave, he grumbles, the red and blue scarf around his neck. “We made a mistake last summer when he could leave for 180 million, we could also have recovered Haaland at the time. The timing is awful.

Bad timing, “broken link” with some of the supporters

Annoying timing. “He will perhaps put some of the French supporters on his back, it’s not great. In terms of the image, it’s weird, yet he manages his communication very well“, judge Mathieu. “This is extremely bad timing“, regrets Meyer.

An outing that does nothing to improve its image with supporters. More and more distended links. “It doesn’t give off anything special.. Pauleta, Ronaldinho, there was something warm, there it is not. says Alan.

Mbappé must stop, there is a break, we must stop. As Neymar and Messi perform, sir is not happy, it does not go in his direction”, advance Mayer_. “If we can recover 180, 200 million euros, that would allow us to rebuild a great team. With him, I never had a feeling, we knew he was going to leave, that he was not going to do 15 years at the club. Let him go, but not free”._

It remains to be seen how he will be received this Tuesday evening at the Parc des Princes, when the players are announced. The attitude of the Collectif ultras Paris will be scrutinized. The supporters interviewed for their part claimed that he would not whistle him “because we support the team and its players.

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