Le Camion Cuisine, the traveling school of good food

For 10 years, the association “kids cooking
” makes children and young people aged 2 to 20 aware of the “Eat good, Eat healthy” by offering workshops in schools but also in hospitals, nurseries, summer camps…. In short, in all places that welcome children.

Today, she decided to go further andhelp the millions of people in precarious situations who, in order to keep their accommodation, have no choice but to restrict other items of expenditure, including that devoted to food.

This is why she has acquiredmobile kitchencalled Truck Kitchen to meet these families and thus allow them to access a quality food and good for their health.

Clearly identified objectives

• Give the keys to a simple, healthy and balanced diet to as many people as possible in precarious situations by giving them concrete and adapted advice and recipe ideas.

• Fight against food inequalities present in rural areas and priority neighborhoods by generating and/or participating in a local dynamics in favor of better eating for all.

• Build actions based on people’s needs and resources and make them accessible to as many people as possible. Revenues will be made from everyday products and simple kitchen utensilsso that they are easily reproducible and within a reduced budget.

This truck is equipped with a screen, in order to disseminate useful information to participants and our partners. The video format also allows reaching people who cannot read well and/or who do not speak French well.


Planning for the next tour

The first workshops in Ile-de-France are already scheduled, between September and December.

• September 24 in Saint-Denis

• September 28 at Plaisir

• From 10 to 14 October in the schools of the municipalities of the Cœur d’Essonne conurbation

• October 13 in Etampes

From January 2023, the Kitchen Truck will complete a tour of France in 100 stages.

source site-35