“Hitting civilians is nothing new for Russia”


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Julien Théron, specialist in conflict and international security and guest of Talk franceinfo on Twitch, believes that there is “a progressive worsening of the situation” in Ukraine, in the aftermath of the bombings which affected several cities in the country.

After the strikes that left at least 19 dead and 105 injured on Monday, October 10, Ukraine accused Russia of being a terrorist state. For the European Union, these bombings are similar to “war crimes” whose managers should “realize”. As G7 members convene urgently on Tuesday, OHCHR spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani expressed particular concern about the intended targets of civilian targets as well as the rush hour chosen to bomb targets in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin promised retorts “severe” in the event of Ukrainian attacks on Russia.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the situation in our live

“We are in a progressive worsening of the situation, we can see it as a ‘small’ new phase but I remind you that the fact that Russia hits civilians is nothing new.estimated Julien Théron, specialist in conflict and international security, Monday, October 10 in Le Talk de franceinfo on Twitch. A few days ago it was in Zaporijia, before it was in Kharkiv, before in the suburbs of kyiv, in Syria, in Chechnya… It’s a pretty regular practice that they don’t have a problem with.”

Russian ex-president Dmitry Medvedev, current number 2 in Moscow’s Security Council, went further, promising Monday’s strikes were just a “first episode” and called to “total dismantling of the political regime of Ukraine.” According to Julien Théron, “dn the last reform of the Russian Constitution, it was clearly stated that Russian law was superior to international law, to avoid all responsibility. Unfortunately, international law doesn’t work exactly like that, you can’t just say ‘I do what I want’, since as a member of the United Nations, you have to respect the United Nations charter which protects civilians. .”

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