Poll: Trudeau preferred to Poilievre

Canadians would rather have Justin Trudeau as prime minister than the new leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre, concludes a poll conducted by the firm Nanos published Monday in the Globe and Mail.

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• Read also: Videos of Pierre Poilievre tagged with a hashtag associated with misogyny

Respondents were asked who they would vote for if only the names of MM. Trudeau and Poilievre appear on their ballot. With this scenario, 46% of those polled would set their sights on the Liberal leader, against 30% for the Conservative leader, while 19% want neither one nor the other to lead the country.

“It’s not who I like, but who I dislike the least,” summed up pollster Nik Nanos, commenting on the poll results with the World.

According to him, neither leader arouses great enthusiasm among Canadians.

The difference is particularly marked among women, who support Mr. Trudeau 52%, against 22% who lean for Mr. Poilievre. The men are equally divided between the two leaders, with 39% support for the liberal against 38% for the conservative.

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