Raphael Glucksmann, the companion of Léa Salamé, announces on the air that he has made a difficult decision!

Raphaël Glucksmann is a man of conviction. Deeply committed to all the causes that seem fair to him, the companion of Léa Salamé also returned to one of them during his appearance on the program “C Politique” (France 5) on Sunday, October 9.

Indeed, the co-founder of the association Études Sans Frontières has made it known that he has almost completely stopped watching the football matches of the club he has always supported on television: Paris Saint-Germain, owned by Qatar for many years.

“I’m not going to lie. I haven’t completely stopped watching PSG matches, but it’s a permanent problem for me, ”confided the MEP in complete transparency. And to add: “It’s my childhood club. I always dreamed of PSG having the best players in the world, even when we were struggling to avoid relegation. We said to ourselves: ‘One day, maybe, we will have a super strong team’. And there, I can no longer be a fan, it’s over. »

Because of his political opinions and his values, Raphaël Glucksmann has therefore decided to put one of his passions aside. However, the 42-year-old has indicated that he does not intend to completely boycott the World Cup which will start on November 20 in Qatar: “I’m not going to say that I’m not going to watch a game, that’s not true. ‘Cause I feel like I won’t last”did he declare.

See also: “He stole the sequence”: First falling out between Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne!


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