Allan Théo, Frank Delay and Chris Keller reform their legendary trio after months of famine!

The fever of the 1990s is not about to come down! On November 23, 2021, the Génération Boys Band re-formed, to everyone’s delight, during an exceptional concert. Frank Delay – ex 2Be3 -, Chris Keller – G-Squad – and Allan Théo – performer of the tube Take me – actually got together to reform their iconic trio during a performance at the Gipsy hotel, located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. And now that they’ve returned to service, nothing should be stopping them.

They sang Go away one day, again, in front of an audience of lucky guys, including Otta, Maxime Guény, Andreas Kastrinos, Leslie Benaroch, Anna – Disruptive Beauty -, Alice Totino and Dodo, from the show Alice’s Story on Fun Radio. And this concert is far from being an isolated event. A mini showcase, coupled with a meet & greet, is scheduled for Saturday, December 18, 2021 from 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., at 7 bis rue Geoffroy Marie, and the tour Born in 90 is officially, not canceled, but postponed. The appointment is made for the month of November 2022!

This return to the stage is good news for all the members of the troupe. Born in 90, including Larusso – who won the show’s final season Mask Singer – or Nathan Moore, former member of Worlds Appart. The latter had indeed explained, a few months ago, that the impossibility of going back on stage had dug a huge hole in his bank account and he revealed, in all humility, that he was obliged to work on construction sites instead of giving voice. Very hard working worker available for hire. Unfortunately I often sing while I work“he joked. It’s high time to get back to the life before …

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