an emergency meeting at Matignon to try to get out of the crisis



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Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne is organizing an emergency meeting in Matignon on Monday, October 10, about the fuel shortage. The journalist Alexandre Peyrout, live from Matignon for 19/20, takes stock of the situation.

An emergency meeting on the fuel shortage is held Monday, October 10 in Matignon. In the afternoon, Emmanuel Macron reacted to this conflict by saying that blocking is not a way to negotiate. Is the crisis taking a political turn? “Yes, proof of this is this emergency meeting organized this evening at 9 p.m. in Matignon by the Prime Minister, when she got off the plane, returning from a trip to Algeria”reports journalist Alexandre Peyrout, live from Matignon for 19/20.

Several ministers concerned by the theme of fuels were invited to this emergency meeting, such as Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition, or even Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. There is however no “of representatives, neither of companies, nor of unions, while the situation is getting bogged down more than the executive could have hoped”, adds the journalist, who specifies that the objective of the emergency meeting is “to show that the government is on the bridge to try to find a way out of this crisis, but also to think about stronger measures if ever the situation does not unblock”. Requisitions could thus be envisaged.

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