Emmanuel Macron promises “real decentralization” during a trip to Mayenne

The cross-party commission on the reform of institutions, set up “in the coming months”will open a “new chapter of decentralization”said the head of state on Monday.

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“Very often we have installed a false decentralization in our country”, believes the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron promised, Monday, October 10, a “true decentralization”with transfers of “responsibilities” and “financing”, during a trip to the Mayenne focused on the “return of the state” in rural areas.

The cross-party commission on the reform of institutions, promised for this second five-year term and which will be installed “in the coming months”will open a “new chapter of decentralization”launched the Head of State, present during the reopening of the sub-prefecture of Château-Gontier (Mayenne), closed since 2016. This is the first of the six sub-prefectures of which he promised the reopening or creation by the end of the year.

“Decentralization is not about giving a skill without transferring the financing dynamic that goes with it, and the responsibilities that go with it”, explained Emmanuel Macron. “It is necessary that the responsibilities accompany, that the normative power accompanies and that the financing accompany and that all of this goes to the end, which is not quite the case today “he continued.

The greatest proximity with the territories will also go through the National Council for Refoundation and the consultation it involves between government, elected officials, social partners and citizens, from school to health. “I wanted us to be able, with all our territories and as closely as possible, to build concrete decisions for our compatriots. This is the spirit of the National Council for Refoundation”underlined Emmanuel Macron.

The latter also promised more than “visibility” to mayors in the management of public finances “while inflation is there and there is a lot of anxiety for the next budgets”. “We have to give clarity, give it in a simple way, with force.”

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