A new cyber-attack targets a local authority in Normandy on Monday: the department of Seine-Maritime announces that it has been targeted. “A massive computer attack“, specifies the community in a press release.It was decided to completely cut off the networks of the Department to isolate, secure and sanctuary the community“, also explains the institution, which “takes full action to return to a normal situation as soon as possible“. Consequence: public services are very degraded.
The filing of files for assistance to the elderly and the disability compensation benefit can only be done in paper format. The new files are well educated. On the other hand, there is no impact for the files of beneficiaries of the RSA. Physical reception is maintained in the medico-social centres. And the PMI continues to work normally.
The services of the departmental house for people with disabilities are completely at a standstill, because all the procedures there are dematerialized. Ditto, impossible to file files for all youth, sport, bio ethanol and ZFE devices for the moment. The municipal aid subsidy portal is also unavailable.
The roads department and the environment department are able to pursue their missions, in particular the safety of users. The 8 Seine ferries are operating normally, as are the 6 departmental sites and museums, except that the ticket office cannot accept payment by credit card.
Finally, the college digital workspace is fully available. There is no impact on the computer operation of the colleges. In addition, the distribution of tablets to 6th graders continues.
As a reminder, the town hall of Caen had been targeted by a cyber-attack on September 26
. 3 weeks later, all services are still not back to normal.