Fuels, pension reform, Iran and the wearing of the veil… What to remember from the interview with François-Xavier Bellamy

François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP Les Républicains, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Monday October 10, 2022. Fuels, pension reform, Iran and wearing the veil… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Fuel supply: this “preventive” strike is “a serious act”

“We must say the seriousness of this act which consists in launching a strike before having launched the negotiations. Everyone notes the irresponsibility of the CGT which, even though the discussions have not started, decides to make a preventive strike”comments Francois-Xavier Bellamy, while, ten days after the start of the movement, nearly one in three service stations lacks at least one fuel. For him, “that’s not how you behave in a democracy, taking the French hostage”.

Pension reform: “We need to work longer”

“We need to reform pensions”hammers the elected LR, saying to himself “very happy” that the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe affirmed that it was necessary to lengthen the working time and thus push back the retirement age. “We are keeping our course, it is very clear, we have to work longer. (…) This government ends up saying, on many subjects, what we have not stopped telling it for years.

Reform of the judicial police: “not acceptable to destroy a balance that works”

On the contrary, François-Xavier Bellamy believes that the reform of the judicial police, defended by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin in the newspaper The Parisian this Monday, October 10, is “bad, in principle” and that he “it is not acceptable to destroy a balance that works”in particular because it “is not such as to guarantee” the independence of investigators vis-à-vis the prefecture and therefore political power. He says to himself “on the side of the police” who expressed their opposition to the Director General of the National Police on Thursday in Marseille because “Discussion is blocked [et qu’il] the police have to show their revolt”.

Iran and the veil: the EU’s “guilty message” on the veil

Asked about the severe repression of demonstrations in support of Mahsa Amini, who died almost a month ago in Iran after an arrest by the morality police for violation of the dress code, François-Xavier Bellamy took the opportunity to criticize the message “more than ambiguous” and “guilty” of the European Union on the wearing of the veil. He denounces a Council of Europe communication campaign which said, in November 2021, that “freedom [était] in the hijab”. Faced with the outcry, the campaign was called off. After that, “I asked that we vote on an amendment so that never again [le financement d’une telle campagne] does not happen again and, to my amazement, elected representatives from the left, ecologists, rebellious France, rose up to have this amendment rejected. This left (…) betrays the cause of women”he argues.

Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Monday, October 10, 2022:

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