this choice that changed his life and that he made “to avenge his father”

On September 16, Serge Lama announced news that saddened many fans. Indeed, at the age of 80, the artist decided to end his artistic career. “There is a moment when things stop. You have to know that you are getting old. My body gives me a lot of pain. I have a lot of problems inherent in the passage of time. There is a moment, you have to know s stop rather than being stopped by things. So I decided that it was over, that I have a very good life with my partner Luana”he announced on the airwaves of RTL.

An end of career that he mentioned again this Sunday, October 9 when he answered questions from Laurent Delahousse in 8:30 p.m. on Sunday but not only. Indeed, the interpreter of I am sick also made a strange revelation about his childhood. And in particular a situation which allowed him to launch into the song, whereas his mother never wanted it. In reality, the one who allowed him to come into the world, had always refused that Serge Lama’s father sing.

His father allowed him to become a singer

“You have always had this form of lucidity at home very early on, very early on even on the lucidity of life, of hardships, especially in the face of your father. Was there this power of relationship with him too?”asks the journalist before the singer confesses to him: “In front of my mother especially because my mother didn’t want my father to do this job. So I did everything to do this job and to avenge my father in fact, it’s as clear as that”.

Serge Lama has never hidden that his mother’s behavior towards his father has never been easy to live with. “My mother was not my father’s wife, she was his jailer”, did he say, for example, on the set of It’s up to you in 2021. Revelations that he was already making in Paris Matchstill as moving as ever. “He was crying in my arms. My sadness then, I still carry it in me. I never recovered”, he remembered about his father. Tears that finally pushed him to do the job that his dad had always dreamed of doing.

See also: Last minute – singer Serge Lama in bad shape retires for good: “My body makes me suffer a lot”


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