Office services to attract employees

(Toronto) When Lightspeed employees returned to their Montreal office this year after a pandemic-related hiatus, the space was twice as large as before. A restaurant serving free meals, a smoothie bar and a barista to prepare personalized drinks were added.

Posted at 10:57 a.m.

Tara Deschamps
The Canadian Press

A gym and a courtyard with plants and a fountain are coming soon.

“We make it a unique experience and the whole office is a kind of relaxation space where we want people to feel very comfortable,” explained Jean Paul Chauvet, general manager of the Montreal-based software company. .

Such equipment is not unusual for tech companies looking to recruit and retain talent. But, they had to continue to renovate the working environment in order to convince the staff to give up, at least in part, teleworking.

This is seen as a necessity even as remote working gains popularity among executives and staff cuts continue across the industry.

The thinking of many companies is that staff might not want to return to the office without something to ease the transition – like an awesome new space with catered lunches, a workout room and other perks like childcare. .

Some have even gone the extra step and welcomed staff with a party and backpacks with enough space for a laptop.

“All companies try to recruit and retain talent and they try to be as creative and innovative as possible,” observed Michael Halinski, associate professor of organizational behavior and human resource management at Metropolitan University of Toronto.

“Whether it’s adjusting work arrangements or adjusting benefits, organizations will continually try to do different things to reinvent themselves,” he added.

Lightspeed’s choice to revamp its space was made at the start of the pandemic, when other companies stopped renting their offices or downplayed their importance, Chauvet recalled.

“We actually took the completely opposite route,” he said. We said, “Let’s use this time to renovate everything while everyone’s away, so that when they come back, they’ll be wowed.” »

Most employees, who are encouraged to visit the offices three days a week, were pleased with the extra space available for meetings during and after work, he said.

They also appreciate the Ketra lighting that Lightspeed installed, which creates an uplifting mood depending on the season, weather and time of day.

Mr Chauvet credits the new office with helping the company achieve one of its best performance months last year in March, the same month staff returned to the office, and believes he will help hire approximately 300 workers over the next five weeks.

However, many workers are keen to avoid offices.

A Hired study of 2,000 tech professionals in Canada, the US and the UK found that job seekers have preferred remote-only roles over hybrid or face-to-face roles since June 2021.

In June 2022, 93% of candidates surveyed preferred remote or hybrid jobs.

“Commercial offices now have to compete with many workers who enjoy working remotely because of the time savings of commuting and the flexibility of working closer to where their families are and the ability to jog during their lunch break,” Aaron Short, managing director of B-Line, a Halifax-based workplace management and security platform, said in an email.

He insisted that morale and the broader corporate culture were suffering from remote working. People are happiest when they have flexibility about where they work, but also need in-person collaboration, he explained.

“Video conferencing and email don’t always bring out the best in people, but having a meal together does,” he said.

Despite the push for remote work, Natasha Koifman is keen to keep her office.

The head of public relations firm NKPR has purchased a new building on Richmond Street West in Toronto where her company will move into next summer.

She’ll model the office after the Public Hotel in New York, which has outdoor space almost like a miniature Central Park, and add a rooftop terrace, lounges, and possibly a cafe.

“We are currently in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but my goal is for people to want to come every day,” said Koifman. The goal is to create an environment as comfortable for them as their home. »

However, conveniences are not a panacea for many workers. Some other perks are even more desirable.

The Hired study found that flexible working hours, paid time off, health benefits, retirement plans and performance-based bonuses were the most compelling perks a company could offer beyond the remuneration in 2022.

Corporate culture is also important, Koifman.

She has long celebrated staff birthdays because she knows it makes workers feel included and valued.

“I often think I care about the people I work with. They matter to me and so if they do to you: how do you demonstrate it? she observes. It’s not only in the office space, but it’s also in the way we work with our employees on a daily basis. »

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