a third dose of vaccine for all adults



Article written by

F. Prabonnaud, D. Brignand, M. Martel, A. Domy, V. Llado, M. Diawara, C. Chabaud, V. Castel – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, all French people will be affected by the third dose of vaccine. This reminder will eventually be required to keep the health pass.

Faced with the fifth wave of Covid-19, accelerating vaccination is the government’s strategy. To do this, it is counting on the expansion of the recall which will be offered to those over 50 from December 1. But the executive would like to extend the third dose to all adults. At the moment, the timetable is not known. More than 22 million 18-49 year olds already vaccinated would be affected.

In a vaccination center located near Montpellier, in the Hérault, 400 to 450 people pass each day. We can go up to 1,800 or even 2,000 per day, that’s the maximum capacity, with 50 to 55 staff mobilized ”, figure Colonel Sylvain Besson, deputy departmental director of the Hérault firefighters. And the measure reassures the most fragile.


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