“I hated you”: Christophe Dechavanne, reassembled, violently attacks a famous animator

Like every Saturday evening since September 24, Christophe Dechavanne was on the talk show set What an era! this Saturday to interview the various guests from all walks of life who came to promote themselves. And among them, in addition to the designer Luz, the politician Sandrine Rousseau or the Youtubeur TibInShape, was his colleague Michel Cymès, star host on France 2 and sometimes controversial doctor.

In particular, moreover, during the pandemic: the doctor, guest of television sets, had minimized the risks linked to Covid-19 in the program Daily and had declared that the disease was “a form of flu that is a bit more bumpy than the flu. But it’s still a viral disease like we have every year“. Words that he later regretted but which had earned him a lot of criticism.

And especially this Saturday evening: in the preamble to the show, Christophe Dechavanne was very brutal with his colleague. “I hated you at one time“, he immediately struck him, before explaining this very virulent remark. “When you said that famous sentence: ‘It’s a big flu that hits a little’, because that’s what you said. And it turns out that very, very, very close to me, I had someone I ran away from for several weeksbecause, as you say, no one knew where we were stepping“, he explained, probably referring to Elena Foïs, emergency doctor and the little sister of Marina Foïs, who shared his life at that time.

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