Thousands of Ukrainians fled the Russian invasion to settle in Quebec. For the next year, The newspaper will follow the Mariichuk family – Dmytro, Oksana and their five children – to better understand the ups and downs of the journey of these refugees.
• Read also: Ukrainians in Quebec for a month: starting from scratch with five children
• Read also: War in Ukraine: refugees welcomed with open arms by Quebec
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The whole family on a memorable trip to Niagara Falls this summer.
They have been here for four months now. The Mariichuk have an increasingly normal life in Quebec, but the desire to return to Ukraine torments them despite everything.
“Emotionally, it’s very hard,” sighs Dmytro Mariichuk, seated in front of a black coffee he ordered in perfectly acceptable French.
On the positive side, there is the daily life which is gradually settling in for the large family, who have taken refuge in Quebec since the end of May.
A few weeks after his arrival, Dmytro was hired by Repentigny Public Works, as evidenced by his uneven tan.
“Now I know all the parks, all the swimming pools and all the fountains in the city! assures the one who was a construction steel contractor in his native country.
His daughter and twins – Anastasiia (14), Daniil (13) and Nikita (13) – harvested vegetables for part of the summer in the fields of Lanaudière.
“I was brought up in a family where we cultivated the land, it’s part of our culture, says their father. It would have been worse if they stayed at home. »
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The three oldest children worked in the fields during the summer season.
Back to class
Her four school-age children returned to school at the start of the school year, dividing their time between a francization class and a regular class.
The youngest, Miia (3 years old), stays at home with her mother.
Integration may be easier for Anastasiia, who spoke good English before arriving here, believes Dmytro.
But Andrii, 10, is the one who most easily remembers new words in French, he says, proud of his boy.
However, for parents, mastering the official language of Quebec is still “a big problem”, admits the 30-year-old.
Yes, of course, he quickly learned the maintenance vocabulary – “screwdriver”, “turf” – thanks to his colleagues. And he takes French lessons with his wife twice a week, after work.
But this is far from enough in the eyes of newcomers.
Uncertain career
Photo Nora T. Lamontagne
The father of the family, Dmytro Mariichuk, hopes to find a job in his field.
Thoughtful, Dmytro projects himself into the future in his adopted country, as he tries to live from day to day.
“Can I hope for a career here or will I have to work with my hands for the rest of my life? That’s not what I want…”, he blurts out, before asking the Log to write that his CV can be viewed on request, with a chuckle.
The couple sometimes thinks of returning to Ukraine, of reuniting with their loved ones, their small suburban house in Sviatopetrivske, near Kyiv, in short, their life before.
Oksana, in particular, is homesick. The mother of five children is also in Ukraine for a few weeks.
“Of course we weren’t ready to move or emigrate… But maybe we’ll realize that life there isn’t as pleasant as it was before the war”, slips Dmytro.
While waiting for the sequel, the Mariichuks have tried in the last few months to enjoy the little joys of summer, from a whirlwind family trip to Niagara Falls to a visit to the Montreal Botanical Garden.
“We try to see something other than problems,” says Dmytro, determined to do everything for the good of his family.