The big squash family

The gourmet stage takes us to meet a large family, that of squash!

Behind this botanical name hide about 800 species, themselves divided into subfamilies. Courgettes, cucumbers, melons, watermelons and pickles are indeed the cousins ​​of squash, originating in South America and initially cultivated by the Indians. Unknown in Europe, they were distributed by Christopher Columbus who brought them back from his travels in the 15th century. Their flesh and, above all, their keeping qualities are enough to seduce long-distance sailors.

Among these squashes, whose shapes, colors and flavors are incredibly varied – not to mention their size, since some, gigantic, are phenomena of fairs -, three varieties in particular are of interest to gourmets. pepo, Moschata and Maxima, the three families concerned, are home to the stars of autumn-winter, sold without distinction as “pumpkins” or “pumpkins” in the markets. Differentiating them is sometimes a challenge.

To try to see more clearly and never again confuse a Cinderella carriage, that is to say a pumpkin, with a pumpkin, Nathalie Helal receives Marion Cozon, Jules Monnet and Lilian Douchet.

Nathalie Helal and her guests: Marion Cozon, Jules Monnet and Lilian Douchet © Radio France

Marion Cozon is responsible for Les Cueillettes du Plessis, located in Lumigny and Chanteloup-en-Brie in Seine-et-Marne.

Jules Monnet is the chef of the restaurant The Counter of the Traboule1 bis rue Augereau, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris.

Lilian Douchet is the chef of the restaurant Lady Augustine32 avenue des Gobelins, in Paris in the 13th arrondissement and candidate for Top chef in 2022.

Pumpkins of all sizes, shapes and colors
Pumpkins of all sizes, shapes and colors © Radio France

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