A look back at the physical evolution of the star who tried to end his life…

This Monday, October 3, 2022, the world of reality TV was in shock after the publication of a disturbing letter on the Instagram account of Aurélie Preston, emblematic candidate of Marseille. “ I decided today to stop, I saw what I had to see, I traveled, I vibrated, I helped, I knew how to listen, to be generous, I so to speak given everything. I realized that the human being had become bad, I never understood the fact of psychologically or physically killing his fellow man, for me, it is like hurting oneself. I just can’t go on, I’m exhausted first, disgusted, disappointed, horrified, paralyzed, dismayed and so on, to describe the world in which we evolve and especially in which we currently live “, could we read on the post which has since been deleted from his profile.

Further, the young woman also added: RIP tonight for Preston as well as Aurélie, don’t judge my choice, the pain is personal. And please avoid the ‘she had it all’. You can’t imagine where I come from. And what we’ve been through for the past 30 years “. Words that quickly aroused strong reactions from his community. According to our exclusive information, the star of “Angels” 8 was quickly taken care of by the emergency services after his suicide attempt. She was then taken to hospital. This Thursday, October 6, 2022, the one who made her debut in the Marseillais in 2015 finally broke the silence. ” Thank you all for your heartwarming messages. I am discharged from the hospital today, overwhelmed and overwhelmed by all of your love and support. I see that we can still believe in human beings. I will take care of myself, take the time to rebuild myself, play sports, play music… My vital essence. I love you very much and thank you for keeping humanity alive. “, she wrote in story while sharing a photo of her.

“I wanted to become a different person”

Luscious lips, upturned nose, rosy complexion. The one who tried to end her life on the night of Sunday September 30 to Monday October 1 seems to be getting back on her feet. However, a physical detail does not escape its subscribers. Since her debut in front of the cameras, the star has changed a lot. Unrecognizable, she confided, a few years ago, on the multiple operations to which she had recourse in order to transform her silhouette. Interviewed by our magazine, Pascal Obispo’s friend explained: ” The shows I’ve been on have only exploited my physique. I sometimes went too far with cosmetic surgery, but I didn’t deserve such relentlessness! Today I had my breasts reduced and wanted to go back to something more natural. »

If, like many young women, Aurélie Preston succumbed to the madness of the scalpel, it was above all with the aim of ” become another person “. ” I wanted to break the link with my parents, who abandoned me. My mother had no breasts, so I wanted huge breasts. I was only 19, I was lost. I thought the surgery would reconcile me with my past. But I could only be at peace with him through psychoanalysis… Dark confidences.


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