Mr. Pokora, his wife Christina Milian forced to eat at Restos du Coeur: “She comes from afar…”

He dreamed of her for a long time, even before he met her. But fate has pulled out its magic wand and ensures that Mr. Pokora crosses paths with Christina Milian to never leave her again. Since 2017, the lovers have not let go of each other and they have even started a family by welcoming two boys, Isaiah, 2 years old and Kenna 1 year old – Violet, the singer’s daughter, completing this pretty picture. . Talking for the first time, these two had no idea they had so much in common.

They were cleaning to pay for food

Invited this month on RFM by Bernard Montiel, to discuss the release of his 9th album Epicenter, Mr. Pokora actually indulged in a few secrets about his companion, in particular his chaotic journey and his difficult childhood. “We’re best friends and that’s it. We found each other well, he is someone who respects people, who is very smiling and very, he explained. Who comes from afar, because when she was younger, they lived at 4 with her mother and her sisters in a studio. They cleaned to buy food. They went to the equivalent of Restos du Coeur to get something to eat. She comes from afar, she has real values, we found each other well. We have common values ​​when it comes to approaching human relationships. She is a very positive woman. I like to surround myself with people like that.

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