Paris-Doha by bike, the ecological challenge of two supporters of the French team

Almost 8000 kilometers. This is what Gabriel and Mehdi, great supporters of the France team, are preparing to complete to reach Doha by the start of the World Cup on November 20. Since August 20 and a symbolic departure in front of the Stade de France, they have been criss-crossing the cycle routes towards Qatar to go and support the Blues of Didier Deschamps.

Currently, the two friends are in Cyprus, where they are looking for a way to reach Israel or Egypt. “We took the boat from Turkey to avoid Syria”, says Mehdi. “We thought we would go through Iran but I didn’t get my visa and anyway, the current situation would have complicated our progress”, adds Gabriel. Even if things don’t always go as planned, they benefit from a unique experience.

In everyday life, Mehdi, 26, makes freelance documentaries, while Gabriel, 27, works for a children’s entertainment channel. But since they met in business school, cycling and football punctuate their friendship. Last November, we went to Italy with our bikes to follow the Blues in the Nations League and ride a little. Once back, we said to ourselves that we would have to do it over a much greater distance”, recalls Mehdi. “An idea launched in the air” later, Iso off we went to Qatar.

In addition to the sporting feat undertaken, their project took on a whole new dimension when the Emirate announced that it would set up 160 daily shuttles by plane to transport the fans of the 32 teams present to the stadiums during the competition.

The idea was not to relay a political or ecological message, but it is there de facto in view of the conditions of organization of this World Cup.

Mehdi, extreme bike-tourist and supporter of the Blues

at franceinfo: sport

If they do not want to pose as givers of lessons since they themselves go to the Mondial, the two friends try to promote sustainable mobility via their social networks. “If we can inspire people to even take a train to go for a trip to Europe, that’s greatcontinues Mehdi. In addition, everything is arranged to make life easier for cyclists”.

Moreover, these cycling enthusiasts have launched a kitty to finance a solidarity weekend on their return from Qatar and to discover “the joys and the galleys” from cycle tourism to underprivileged young people.

Because not everything is always easy when traveling by bicycle. On the road to Doha, Gabriel and Mehdi had to make do with “unrestorative nights”often under conditions “spartans” after choosing to travel light. “No floor mats! We just have a tent and two sleeping bags on the luggage racks”details Gabriel.

In Turkey, the two acolytes therefore opted for nights in mosques, for lack of camping. But they stay positive driven by their motivation, and rejoice in the smallest reasons for satisfaction, likes effects produced on their bodies by the hundred terminals swallowed daily. Farewell the “bits of ham as calves”they muscled up.

It must be said that Gabriel and Mehdi did not make it easy for themselves. Neither electric assistance nor professional equipment. Young men took entry-level bikes. “On receives a lot of messages to tell us that we are crazy, that we need this or that type of pedal, shorts… But the difficulty is there, regardless of the equipment, so we want to panachesays Mehdi.

“We don’t have a champion diet, we lack training. But we know how far we are able to go… When you know your limits, only mechanical incidents can slow you down.”

Gabriel, supporter of the Blues

at franceinfo: sport

So far, the two consider themselves lucky. Apart from a moment of distress in Bulgaria, where they were forced to push the bikes down a thorny path with an average 13% gradient, which earned them four punctures in one fell swoop the following day, they were rather spared. . “On the other hand, we are a little more afraid for Saudi Arabia, confess Gabriel. We didn’t watch the trip there to avoid getting discouraged”.

Both fear being left to their own devices over long distances in the desert. But no question of giving up. Even in case of delay, they will swear by the bike. “For the moment, we are on schedule and if it is too short, we will cycle 50-60 kilometers more per day”says Gabriel, determined. “We even looked to cross the Mediterranean in a pedal boat”adds Mehdi.

Proof of their stubbornness: their passage from the Bosphorus to Istanbul. While there is only one motorway bridge to cross from the European side to the Asian side, the two adventurers have moved heaven and earth to overcome the obstacle on their machines.

“We spent our morning in the police stations to find a police escort. We ended up in the governor’s office writing letters in Turkish. It was negotiations between several major police chiefs but we managed to take this bicycle axis”, they detail in chorus. The travelers then took a real Istanbul break, just to spend time with their companions who had come to meet them there.

Despite their incredible experience, Gabriel and Mehdi do not forget that they are going to Qatar to support the Blues. These two French irresistibles [groupe officiel de fans de l’équipe de France] know that the last matches of their selection did not go as planned but they are calm. “This trip is so crazy that it wouldn’t be too bad if the Blues come out of the pools in Dohaexplains the young freelance director. Afterwards, we wouldn’t spit on a final of course!” Especially since the FFF decided to support them by providing them with tickets for the meetings of Deschamps’ men after a naive request by email.

Otherwise, they already have places for Belgium-Morocco – “the opportunity to house our neighbors” -, and some other big posters like Germany-Spain, for a total of around 1000€. “We could afford it because the travel budget is not huge since we manage for accommodation”. For their next arrival in Doha, a French expatriate has just agreed to let them pitch their tent in his garden. And once there, the beautiful breakaway will be there until the end since they will be able to go to the stadiums… by bike.

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