“I won’t procrastinate for long!” : Patrick Sébastien ready for suicide, shock secrets

On the occasion of the release of his autobiographical book called Live and be reborn every day (XO editions), Patrick Sébastien gives his all to the press. His infidelities, his breakup with Nathalie Boutot alias Nana, his kidney cancer… The 68-year-old host plays fair with his audience. This is how in the pages of the magazine France Sundayreleased on newsstands this Friday, October 7, 2022, it evokes his desire to end his life without taboo.

He confessed in his book: suicide, he often considered it. “It’s truehe confirms with our colleagues. But I never had the balls to pull the trigger. And so much the better because, no offense to my detractors, I’m fine!“However, Patrick Sébastien can still change his mind, as he says himself:”However, it is not excluded that I will succeed one day. If the ending is too hard, I won’t procrastinate long. My life has not been a feast of champagne and caviar to end with a poor tasteless compote and a stale madeleine! The day when I can no longer eat, kiss and laugh, so hello! I’m lucid, I see my friends leave, and then I reach 70 brushes even if, in my face, I still have 25!“For now, no dark thoughts in sight, therefore.

Patrick Sébastien buried near his son Sébastien, who died at 19

If he no longer thinks so often of killing himself, Patrick Sébastien is preparing little by little the day he will leave. He thus bought his concession in Martel, a town in the South-West of France where he has lived for several decades. “First to have my son’s body repatriated to me, and also because I have lived happily here for forty years.explains this dad who lost the flesh of his flesh Sébastien, who died in a motorcycle accident when he was 19 years old. When the time comes, it will make you visit the village! I will have ‘meeting benches’ set up on either side of the grave so that people can sit and chat. I ordered a nice blue stone. On the other hand, for the little foam man on the cross, they didn’t want to.

Moreover, the father of Lily, his 15-year-old daughter adopted in Polynesia, already knows what he wants people to remember after his death. “I don’t want any awards or recognition – which I’ll never get anyway, because all these people have spent their lives looking down on me. I have the esteem of the people, and this is the greatest of prizes!“, he concludes. That is clear.

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