How to get a manager contract in personal services?

Become responsible coordinator of home services, the professional who designs and organizes home interventions for companies or structures that have staff who provide home visits or care. It is an essential cog in the wheel for the quality of the services that are provided to elderly people, who are sometimes dependent or disabled or even sometimes at the end of their life. A sector of activity where you have to love human contact.

The Afpa offers this training for a period of 1055 hours on a work-study basis, ie spending part of your time in training and the other part in a company. In addition to the employment contract, the goal is to obtain a professional title of coordinator of home services.

To register and practice this executive profession, you need experience in this sector of activity, have the baccalaureate level and write to: [email protected]

The Afpa center is at 56 avenue Emile Zola in Pontet.

Testimony of trainer Jalil Ghannane with Fabrice Marion

To find out more about this new job, Fabrice Marion meets Jalil Ghannane who is a trainer for this new job of home services coordinator.

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