LIVE VIDEO – War in Ukraine: how do the Russians experience the conflict? franceinfo Talk



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Since Vladimir Putin’s announcement of “partial general mobilization” on September 21, the Russian population has been increasingly divided. VS’is the subject of Talk franceinfo. Every evening from 6 p.m., Manon Mella and her guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

In order to escape the partial mobilization announced by Vladimir Putin, Russian rapper Ivan Peturin better known as “Walkie” ended his life on Friday, September 30. “We have become the prisoners of a madman”, he exclaims at the end of his video, thus reflecting a feeling that seems to be shared by other young Russians who have fled since the announcement of this mobilization.

Denis Kataev, Russian journalist exiled in Paris and Françoise Daucé, director of the Center for Studies of the Russian, Caucasian and Central European Worlds (Cercec) are in the Talk to discuss it. Manon Mella also receives Kévin Limonier, lecturer at Paris VIII and specialist in Russian cyberspace.

The announcement of the partial mobilization on September 21, 2022 had already led to a strong wave of protest in Russia. Two options are available to young mobilized Russians who oppose the war: flee or protest. On the day of the speech, anti-war protests were seen in 38 cities across the country, often ending in heavy repression by Russian law enforcement.

Also, since Vladimir Putin’s speech, thousands of Russians have fled their country to escape mobilization. According to the Russian edition of the magazine Forbes, nearly 700,000 Russians have left the country since the announcement of the partial mobilization. Many of them have already reached neighboring countries and destinations where migration formalities are light. So, is Putin’s relationship with the Russians really faltering?

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Manon Mella’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, debate around topical and social issues.

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