Xavier Bertrand asks the government to tell “the truth” about upcoming deliveries

Xavier Bertrand president LR of the Hauts-de-France Region on franceinfo Thursday October 6 “ask the government to tell us the truth about how everything will be delivered in the coming days”, while some gas stations are struggling to get supplies. “We are at 12% of the stations across the country that encounter difficulties on at least one type of fuel, with variability since in the Hauts-de-France region, we reach nearly 30% of the stations that can encounter difficulties”said the day before the government spokesman, Olivier Véran.

Xavier-Bertrand “give several examples: Monday, school bus lines [dans les Hauts-de-France] could not move” because of a “supply problem”. “The liberation yesterday [mercredi] of certain stocks [stratégiques] will allow us to hold on, for how long?”, he asks. According to him, “the SNCF, in the depots in particular of diesel, for the trains which still run on diesel, today has a visibility which goes to six to seven days”. But he “does not want us to have a disaster in six to seven days”.

“Yesterday, Mr. Véran told us that he is monitoring the situation. No! What we expect from the State is not that it follows, it is that it anticipates”, launches Xavier Bertrand. “They woke up very late.” If the situation were to last, he recommends the hard way: “The requisition, or the threat of requisition so that we can release the stocks” in refineries blocked due to a strike. “Four out of six Total refineries” are affected by blockages, the government spokesman said on Wednesday. “People to go to work need to see clearly”, insists Xavier Bertrand.

“Strategic stocks cannot be blocked, and when there are refineries that are blocked, the right to strike is constitutional but one thing is certain, it must not obstruct the continuity of public services”, he assured. “The government should have anticipated at the national level” and “released strategic stocks” earlier, he criticizes. “You can’t leave the blockage as it happened for so long”hammers Xavier Bertrand which has just launched its own political movement, “We France”.

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