La Mammobile moves closer to women to screen for breast cancer


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France Televisions

Writing Culture

One in eight women is at risk of breast cancer. How to help women furthest from radiology centers to get screened? La Mammobile, a mobile office, has been traveling the roads of the Hérault for 30 years. #TheyHaveTheSolution

In Hérault, Mammobile goes as close as possible to women in the towns furthest from radiology centres. This pink truck offers free breast cancer screening.

A mammogram in 7 minutes, without an appointment or prescription, is possible on board the Mammobile. The examination is free on board this truck converted into a radiology office. The mobile practice criss-crosses the communes of the Hérault and comes to the aid of women who live in the most isolated corners and the furthest from radiology centres. This initiative is also enough to motivate all women who do not necessarily have mutual insurance or medical follow-up. Three weeks after the test, the results arrive directly in the mailboxes.

Each year, the Mammobile carries out 12,000 examinations, i.e. a quarter of the breast cancer screenings carried out in the department. Since last year, it has covered other departments such as Eure, Calvados, Manche and Seine-Maritime.

Because breast cancer is the most common cancer in France. It is the leading cause of death by cancer in women, as every year Operation Pink October, the campaign to fight against breast cancer, reminds us. Every two years, women should have a mammogram from the age of 50, even those who do not feel sick.

This painless examination promotes early detection of breast cancer to treat it more easily and limit the sequelae associated with certain treatments. Detected early, breast cancer is curable in 9 out of 10 cases.

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