first falling out between Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne!

Yesterday, exceptionally, Benjamin Castaldi took the reins of “Touche pas à mon poste”, replacing Cyril Hanouna absent for religious reasons. The one-night host asked his columnists about the second issue of “What a time!” And for Hugo Manos, the audience indicators, less good, last week, are already a first alarm signal. “They dropped by 4 audience points knowing that for the second, as for the first, there was very little competition opposite. The coming week is going to be much more complicated knowing that for the premiere there were still three hours that were cut, which means that it wasn’t very fluid.“, explained the companion of Laurent Ruquier.

We talked here about the relationship between Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne, saying that the possible pitfall was that Christophe Dechavanne would step out of his role as columnist. And there in the second emission I find that it was really visible. He really wanted to interrupt Rachida Dati, he wanted to exist and at one point in her eyes, in the way she spoke to her, I really discerned that it was starting to annoy her a little.“, commented for his part Gilles Verdez.

I think he actually stole the footage.

As for Géraldine Maillet, it is obvious to her that Christophe Dechavanne is putting his hand on the show. “There was something that was very obvious when they came here, she was still the star of the program, she wasn’t in the middle, it was Dechavanne who was in the middle. She was at the end of the table, almost outside the table so yes he takes up space, he takes power.“, she said before adding: “And me, the interview with Rachida Dati, I think he stole it from me. I think he actually stole the footage.


See also: After the declarations of Victoria Silvstedt and Alexia Laroche-Joubert, Christophe Dechavanna reacts!

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