the Ukrainian army is making “significant but not definitive progress”, says the French ambassador in the country

Russian forces retreat in the north of the Kherson region in the face of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. This is shown by a military map unveiled Tuesday by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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“This progress is very impressive, it is steady and the news of the day is this breakthrough around Kherson,” explained Tuesday, October 4 on franceinfo Etienne de Poncins, ambassador of France in Ukraine. “For the moment, the progress was made rather in the East, there it is rather in the South.”

>>> War in Ukraine: Russian forces retreated about 30 km in Kherson region, official maps from Moscow reveal

“I believe that the Ukrainian army has moved to a new stage, particularly in terms of techniques, technologies, in particular thanks to Western armaments. This can be seen on the ground”. Etienne de Poncins is not “not surprised” because “We have seen them progress, learn, learn from their mistakes for months and therefore they are better and better equipped”. The Ambassador commends the work of Chief of Staff Valeri Zaloujni, “a remarkable man”.

Nevertheless, it is still “hard” to say if we can envisage a solution to this conflict. There are “significant but not definitive progress. We do not know what the Russian response will be. For the moment, we are simply seeing these advances, even if confidence is growing in the population.” While waiting for the Russian response, “you have to prepare” to all eventualities. “Nothing is excluded”including a nuclear attack.

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