the response from Nice, Cannes and Antibes

Will we be able to see the matches of the 2022 World Cup on the big screen on the Côte-d’Azur?

In Nice, it’s not clear. No boycott announced as in Marseille, Paris, Bordeaux or Strasbourg. No confirmation of broadcast and fan zone set-up either. The mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi remains unclear: “The road is long and strewn with pitfalls. I suggest you ask me again if France is in the final or semi-final”.

At Cannes, Mayor David Lisnard indicates that it will depend on the results of the France team.

In Antibes, there have never been giant screens and this will be the case again this year. The mayor, Jean Léonetti, leaves it to the merchants to install or not their own screens.

source site-37