a listener falls on him, big discomfort in full live!

This Monday, October 3, 2022, Patrick Sébastien was the guest of Pascal Praud on RTL. An opportunity for the former presenter of the “Greatest cabaret in the world” to discuss with a listener about his book “Live and be reborn every day”, in which he confides in the disease. Struck by cancer, “he wants the diagnosis to no longer be felt as a sentence”, reports our colleagues. A will that does not make everyone agree. ” We are irremediably alone in the face of our cancer. No cancer is like another. There are as many forms of cancer as there are people with cancer “explained the listener. ” I spoke with patients when I went to do my chemotherapy sessions every morning at the hospital. They had the same cancer as me. That’s what I thought, but in fact they weren’t going through the same thing at all as I was and I wasn’t going through the same thing at all from them. “And to continue:” We can always exchange, but we realize that there is a loneliness in the face of his illness which is irremediable. It surely does him good to exorcise his illness through a book… But that it brings support to others, I doubt it. »

“I had two cancers and I am in great shape”

For his part, Patrick Sébastien tried to defend his project. ” I think it brings support to the other. Already, the simple fact of saying ‘when you are told you have cancer, that does not mean that you are dead’ is one thing “, first launched the host before adding: “ The simple fact of saying ‘I had cancer, I even had two and I am in great shape’ means that the day you are told ‘cancer’ “You have to stay positive. ” Me, I remember a time when when I was told ‘cancer’ it was downright as if we were signing our death warrant. I’ve had two and I’m doing great. It’s cured. Afterwards, of course the fact of writing is an outlet…. You have to hang on. I don’t know if this is helpful to some but I hope so. »


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