Nice attack trial: how to rebuild? The Franceinfo Talk debate



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More than two weeks after the opening of the trial of the July 14 attack in Nice, the testimony of the civil parties begins Tuesday, September 20 before the special assize court in Paris. VS’is the subject of Talk franceinfo. Every evening from 6 p.m., Manon Mella and her guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

On Thursday July 14, 2016 in Nice, a truck drove into the crowd. That evening, nearly 30,000 people gathered on the Promenade des Anglais on the occasion of the national holiday. The driver of the truck, shot dead, is Mohammed Lahouaieij-Bouhlel. Since then, nearly 300 people have become civil parties in the trial of the Nice attack. Speaking at the trial to rebuild oneself: this is perhaps what the victims of the attack of July 14, 2016 hope for.

Manon Mella receives, in Le Talk, David Di Giacomo, head of the police-justice department of franceinfo and author of the podcast “Les enfants du 14 Juillet”.

Before the Special Assize Court of Paris, two civil parties have already been heard on Tuesday, September 20. Jérôme, owner of a nightclub on the Promenade des Anglais, then Sandrine, who came to watch the fireworks this evening in summer 2016, were the first victims to speak at the bar. For a month, the rest of the 240 civil parties will take the floor to tell the horror of this night of July 14.

How do the 240 civil parties, including children, prepare to testify for a month? Do these speeches help to rebuild after such a trauma?

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Manon Mella’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, debate around topical and social issues.

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