Michel Cymes “in tears in front of the doctors” at the announcement of his cancer

Very few knew about it, until he spoke about it publicly. In 2008, Michel Cymes, the famous doctor, notably known as host and sidekick to Adriana Karembeu on the show The extraordinary powers of the human body, learned that he had cancer. Guest at Léa Salamé this Monday, October 3 on RTLhe returned to the moment when the doctors told him the bad news.

Before that, he acknowledged how lucky he was to have his tumor diagnosed almost by accident. “I wanted to help all those who are not going to be screened. Because I had an incredible chance in my life. I was screened for my tumor when it was not talked about, that ‘she was 3cm and a half and that at 4cm, we have metastases”he recalls before adding: “If we detect tumors at a stage where they are small, we can save your life”.

Like all patients

Even if he was very lucky, at the time of the announcement, Michel Cymes had the reaction that all patients hearing such news can have: “I experienced what all patients who are told they have cancer go through. This phase of amazement at the time of the announcement. When you break down in tears in front of the doctor”. Now cured, he nevertheless took a long time to talk about it and reveal his illness.

In the columns of Current wifethe doctor explains the reason that prevented him from talking about it so late. “It was too intimate. Even to my children and my parents, I only talked about it after I was sure I was off the hook, at least statistically. I didn’t want to become the spokesperson cancer patients in France”he assures before continuing: “I couldn’t see myself both trying to keep calm and keep negative thoughts away, while speaking publicly about my cancer. And then my patients would have asked me for news, the world turned upside down!”

See also: Michel Cymes suffering from cancer: the star host of France 2 “discovered it by chance” and talks about it for the very first time!


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