“It’s a Kohler affair but it’s also a Macron affair”, says Anticor’s lawyer

The secretary general of the Elysée was indicted in September for illegal taking of interests within the framework of the judicial investigation concerning his family and professional links with the shipowner MSC. He denies having “committed any offence”.

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“This affair is a Kohler affair but it is also a Macron affair”estimated Monday, October 3 on franceinfo the lawyer for the Anticor association Jean-Baptiste Souffron, after the indictment for “illegal taking of interests” of the secretary general of the Elysée Palace Alexis Kohler.

If he considers that this indictment in the context of suspicions of illegal taking of interests linked to the shipowner MSC “shows that justice is independent” and adds that it points “the corruption of the entire French administration for years” and “of the mixture of genres between the private and the public that we see so often to the detriment of the general interest.”

The reality is that Mr. Macron covers it

Jean-Baptiste Souffron


If he covers it, for what reasons? There is a conflict of interest which does not just stop at the administration but which goes as far as the President of the Republic himself”, continues Anticor’s lawyer. Jean-Baptise Souffron considers “essential” that the President of the Republic be heard in this affair, “because he is the one who wrongly exonerates Alexis Kohler from the start”.

Alexis Kohler will remain secretary general of the Elysee Palace despite this indictment for “illegal taking of interests”, learned franceinfo from the entourage of the President of the Republic.

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