PS deputies table a motion for a resolution to reaffirm France’s “unwavering support” for Ukraine

It is a rather consensual subject in a most divisive parliamentary return: while the deputies return to the benches of the hemicycle on Monday, October 3, a government statement on the war in Ukraine is scheduled for the afternoon, followed by a debate without a vote. On this occasion, the Socialist deputies (Nupes) tabled a motion for a resolution on Monday “so that the National Assembly affirms its unwavering support for Ukraine”according to information from the specialized media Politico, of which franceinfo has had confirmation.

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“We hope there will be a broad consensus on the points we wanted to put in the debate”explains to franceinfo the socialist deputy Arthur Delaporte, who insists on the objective of displaying “as clearly as possible” the support of parliamentarians for Ukraine, part of whose territories were annexed by Vladimir Putin last week. “Ukraine must regain full sovereignty within its internationally recognized borders”write the deputies, according to whom Crimea and Donbass, “this is Ukraine”.

In this motion for a resolution, MEPs call for “the cessation of the activities of French companies which could in one way or another contribute to supporting the mobilization decreed by the power of the Kremlin”. For Arthur Delaporte, this particularly targets companies like TotalEnergies, which withdrew from a Russian gas field but which has not abandoned all of its activities in this country.

“Finally, we call for the strengthening of sanctions against the Russian Federation”, continue the Socialist deputies. On this point, their voices differ from those of the deputies of the National Rally. The latter have repeatedly denounced the impact of certain sanctions, which weaken the Europeans more than the Russians, according to them. “On Ukraine, the RN did not have the same clarity as the other parties”points out Arthur Delaporte, for whom France’s support for Ukraine “could be more important” than it is today.

This motion for a resolution might not lead to a vote, as the PS deputies would like: it must in fact be placed on the agenda of the National Assembly, a decision which falls to the government or the conference of presidents of the lower house. Minority, the socialists could therefore be dismissed on this text.

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