a father and his son raising Charolais cows together



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Pascal and Alexandre Riche are breeders of Charolais cows from father to son. Resumption of exploitation is increasingly rare, because the livestock industry is struggling to recruit.

Monday, October 3, a father and his son, both breeders of cows and bulls of the Charolais breed, are preparing to take a bull for a competition. “We’re going there to try to win, but it’s not easy”, explains Pascal Riche, breeder in Lucenay (Rhône). The animal, Rivaldo, is two and a half years old and weighs 1,300 kilos. He competes in the young breeding male category and is washed and brushed before being presented. “The characteristics of the Charolais breed, it is a really white coat, all uniform”says Alexandre Riche, breeder in Lucenay (Rhône).

The farm has about 200 animals and Pascal, 64, will retire next year. Alexandre, his son, 31, has worked with him for ten years. Succession is assured, which is not always the case. “We don’t have enough young people who are motivated to come into this profession”, observes Pascal Riche. With the increase in meat prices, the sector is once again more attractive. Schedules, availability… However, the constraints of the job are numerous.

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