“This is a very serious manipulation of criminal law”, denounces one of his lawyers

The Court of Justice of the Republic on Monday ordered a lawsuit against the Minister of Justice for illegal taking of interests. He is accused of having taken advantage of his position to settle accounts with magistrates whom he had opposed when he was a lawyer.

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The announcement of the dismissal of Éric Dupond-Moretti before the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR), Monday, October 3, for “illegal taking of interest” is “a very serious manipulation of criminal law and the Court of Justice of the Republic in order to harm the political action of the current Minister of Justice”denounced on franceinfo Rémi Lorrain, one of the two lawyers of the Keeper of the Seals.

Eric Dupond-Moretti is accused of having taken advantage of his position to settle accounts with magistrates whom he had opposed when he was a lawyer.“There are no surprises on the decision rendered, which is a decision we expected”continued Rémi Lorrain, explaining that “for now, it’s a decision that has no value”. The lawyers of the Keeper of the Seals have lodged an appeal in cassation, in order to put forward “irregularities that have marred this file”.

“It is neither more nor less than the judicial translation of the declaration of war carried out by the magistrates’ unions since the evening of the appointment of Éric Dupond-Moretti”

Rémi Lorrain, lawyer for Eric Dupond-Moretti

at franceinfo

On December 17, 2020, the Union Syndicale des Magistrates and the Syndicat de la Magistrature filed a complaint against Éric Dupond-Moretti. They denounced “the abuse of his ministerial functions”. The minister has been under investigation since July 2021.

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