the Court of Justice of the Republic orders a trial against the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti

Suspicions of conflicts of interest: the Court of Justice of the Republic orders a trial against the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti

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Eric Dupond-Moretti is fixed. The Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) on Monday, October 3 ordered a trial against the Minister of Justice, accused of illegal taking of interests, announced his advice. Eric Dupond-Moretti’s lawyers also clarified that they appealed in cassation.

“As unfortunately we expected it, it is a judgment of dismissal which was rendered by the commission of the instruction. We immediately lodged an appeal in cassation against this judgment. This judgment no longer exists”, announced Me Christophe Ingrain and Rémi Lorrain at the exit of the CJR, in Paris, in the absence of Eric Dupond-Moretti.

The Keeper of the Seals is accused of having taken advantage of his position, once at the head of the Ministry of Justice, to settle scores with magistrates with whom he had had trouble when he was a lawyer, which he dispute.

Complaints from magistrates’ unions and the anti-corruption association Anticor, denouncing two situations of conflict of interest since his arrival at the chancellery, had given rise to the opening of a judicial investigation in January 2021.

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