the city of Bordeaux will not broadcast matches played in Qatar on giant screens

After Strasbourg, Reims and Lille, Bordeaux is the fourth city to make this decision on Sunday.

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The list begins to grow. After Strasbourg, Reims and Lille, the environmentalist mayor of Bordeaux, Pierre Hurmic, has announced that his city will not broadcast the matches of the World Cup (November 20-December 18) on giant screens. This situation has been worrying me for a while and I made the decision that we could not be complicit in such an ecological mess. Not to mention the rest. We will not be one of the cities that will broadcast this World Cup on giant screens”, announced Pierre Hurmic, in the program “Bartoli Time” on RMC Sport, Sunday, October 2.

The mayor of Bordeaux announced to formalize this decision during the municipal council scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, and defends himself from any demagogic maneuver. “What was demagogic was to award the FIFA World Cup to Qatar. That is to say, to give in to the pressure that Qatar exerted, we all know, to have the FIFA World Cup. world”, retorted Hurmic at the microphone of RMC Sport.

“When we call our fellow citizens to sobriety, asking them to spend less energy, we would give the sad spectacle of being an accomplice of a country that wastes energy. These are economic aberrations.”

Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux

at RMC Sport

“Not to mention the debate about respect for human rights in those countries, the many immigrant workers who died building magnificent stadiums and cobblestones to host the World Cup,” he continued. The elected official guaranteed that, personally, his “television set will not be turned on to watch this kind of antics”.

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