It is an unusual scam reported by the Périgueux police in a post published on their Facebook page. An octogenarian who lives in Périgueux has had her jewelry stolen. The trick of the thief? He pretended to be a cleaner came to rid her of little maggots.
He was spreading maggots
As she returns home to Périgueux, the octogenarian is picked up by a man pretending to be a cleaning agent. He explains that there are maggots in the green plants, and that he can clean them. The old lady, who has pots of flowers at home, lets him enter the building. In the elevator, the man shows her a maggot, arrived at her place he also finds some in the plants.
In reality, he himself sowed larvae all over the place to deceive his victim. He had some in his pocket.
The thief left with jewels
Once the octogenarian begins to believe him when he sees larvae in his flower pots, the man asks him if he can go check that there are no others in his jewelry box. To keep her away, he asks her to get a trash bag to throw away the maggots. During this time, he steals the jewels and flees discreetly.
The police call back especially for the elderly to be vigilant when someone pretending to be a cleaner, a water worker or a policeman knocks on their door.