his wife filed a new handrail

The wife of Adrien Quatennens filed a new handrail on Saturday September 24 in Lille, learned this Saturday October 1 from franceinfo from a source familiar with the matter. Céline Quatennens denounces this time having received many text messages from her husband. She had filed a first handrail after which the Lille prosecutor’s office opened an investigation for “domestic violence”.

On September 24, Céline Quatennens therefore presented herself again at the Lille police station to report that, since the initial events, her husband had been sending her text messages in very large numbers. This is the second handrail she has filed in this case.

The rebellious elected official has since been heard in free hearing, Monday September 26, at the Lille police station, also learned this Saturday franceinfo from a source close to the file, confirming information from the Sunday newspaper. “As he had strongly wished, my client was able to speak in the context of the ongoing preliminary investigation in order to restore a certain number of truths”confirms with franceinfo his lawyer Jade Dousselin.

Concerning the new handrail filed against Adrien Quatennens, Maître Dousselin explains that it “limits itself to evoking SMS sent by my client in the context of their separation and which it has been confirmed that they do not contain any message of a malicious or threatening nature”.

Adrien Quatennens is the subject of an investigation for domestic violence opened by the Lille prosecutor’s office following the first handrail of his partner. It was revealed by The chained Duck September 13th. Céline and Adrien Quatennens then claimed in a joint press release “the respect” of their “private life”. They also explained that the handrail had been removed after a “dispute” having taken place at the end of the summer of 2021, during which Céline Quatennens had announced her desire to divorce.

The northern deputy admitted to having slapped his wife in a press release published on September 18 on Twitter. He also admitted to having “grab the wrist”, took his mobile phone” or even having “sent too many messages”, while claiming not to be “a violent man”. Regarding the slap, he said: “I gave it away when it didn’t look like me and it never happened again. I deeply regretted the gesture and then apologized very much for it.”

In this same text, he also announced his withdrawal from his duties as coordinator of La France insoumise “to protect the movement”. He subsequently received the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Manuel Bompard.

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