Guy Penaud, a young divisional inspector at the Bergerac judicial police, is responsible for arresting an elusive man, the source of numerous attacks, kidnappings, but also thefts, rapes, and a murder in the Bergerac area in the 80s. A true story.
By the time this dangerous individual was apprehended, the whole region of Bergerac was in turmoil… “It lasted four years! »recalls Guy Penaud, in charge of the investigation at the time. “For four years, there were assaults, kidnappings… He would arrive at night and then he would disappear. There were no items! All the facts were happening in the Bergerac region and people said to themselves – But it will be our turn, next time! – There were no elements and at the time there was panic; it even seems that the arms dealers said to themselves – But it’s strange, we are buying more and more arms to defend ourselves! – because people were really scared. »
– © Editions Les Livres de l’Ilot
“The Full Moon Killer of Bergerac”, by Guy Penaud, was published by Editions Island Books.
– © Editions Les Livres de l’Ilot