very firm in the face of Bernard Montiel, the singer refuses to reveal the first name of his last!

Bernard Montiel received on his show on RFM, Jeremy Frerot. Saturday October 1, the singer came to talk about the reissue of his album Better life unveiled in January 2022. During his visit, the artist spoke about his role as a father to his two children born on July 18, 2017 and January 9, 2021 respectively. “I try to be as neutral as possible. Not to influence them. To guide them so that they don’t do bullshit but that they discover themselves a bit on their own. Let them like pink if they want to love pink…”

If we know the first name of the eldest, Lou, what is that of his second? “The other you won’t know”replied the young man of 32 years. “That’s funny, it’s a big secret, you know I searched like crazy. Why are you hiding the middle name?”asked the one who is also a columnist in Do not touch My TV on C8. “Well why would we want to know? The first we knew because we did it at the clinic. The second we did it at home, nobody knew,” explained the guest. “But it’s a weird name?”sought to know the accomplice of Kelly Vedovelli. “No, it’s two boys and first names that aren’t gendered”he replied.

If the show’s ex-talent The Voiceon TF1discovered the joys of fatherhood alongside Laure Manaudou, the former swimmer was already the mother of a little Manon, the fruit of her relationship with Frédérick Bousquet.

See also: “I have to deliver my children to my own executioner …”: Laure Manaudou upset, this terrible cry from the heart shared on the networks

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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