Emmanuel Macron admits his helplessness



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Present in Amiens (Somme), Emmanuel Macron went to meet the former employees of the Whirlpool factory. The head ofEtat has admitted its powerlessness in this matter.

As usual, when he goes to Amiens, Emmanuel Macron goes to meet the former employees of the Whirlpool factory. “I got screwed with you,” said the President of the Republic to the former employees. Face the press, Emmanuel Macron blasted the plans to take over the plant, which were unsuccessful. The former Minister of the Economy promised solutions for the 43 employees who still have not found a job.

Since the relocation of the factory in 2017, the company has seen nothing but failures. The two buyers have gone out of business. “ To undergo three layoffs in three years, it is morally hard, ” says Patrice Sinoquet, former union representative. While most of the former employees have found work or have embarked on entrepreneurship, Frédéric Chantelle, former union representative, deplores the false promises of the candidates.


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