Benjamin Castaldi reveals his reaction upon learning that his son Simon was launching into reality TV

Benjamin Castaldi is the father of a large family. The former host of “Secret Story” has four children born from three different relationships. With Valérie Sapienza, Benjamin Castaldi had Julien (born September 18, 1996) and Simon (born April 20, 2000). From his marriage to host Flavie Flament, a boy named Enzo was born. And finally, with his current wife Aurore Aleman, Benjamin Castaldi welcomed a little Gabriel born in August 2020.

Last Sunday, on the set of “Vivement dimanche”, Benjamin Castaldi also explained what his sons were doing. “Julien is a sales representative at Shauna Events, he supports influencers,” he said before explaining that Simon was recently a reality TV candidate while Enzo intends to become a rapper. “The last one, Gabriel, I have already enrolled in ENA, Science Po and preparation for the conservatory,” added the columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” jokingly.

This Tuesday, November 23, 2021, on the set of TPMP, Benjamin Castaldi said more about the career of one of his sons. During a debate on the subject, Cyril Hanouna asked him what he thinks of the fact that Simon has launched into reality TV. Benjamin Castaldi then revealed that it had not enchanted him. “I told him: ‘Listen, you do what you want’. Honestly, that did not delight me. Now, I find that it is a new job and that everything is not to be thrown in the trash. “, admitted Benjamin Castaldi.

Simon Castaldi took part in his first reality TV show in 2020. First a candidate in “The Princes of Love” on W9, he then joined the cast of “Objectif Reste du monde”. It is currently broadcast in “Les Marseillais vs Le Reste du monde”. An experience which seems to please him and which above all enabled him to find love! For several months now, Simon Castaldi spins the perfect love with Adixia, also a candidate for reality TV. She was married to the Marseillais Paga. If this relationship almost rose from its ashes, Adixia finally set her sights on Simon Castaldi.


To see also: “TPMP”: Benjamin Castaldi cracks his underpants “with questionable hygiene” and finds himself the parts in the air … live!

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