“My son has a rare and serious cancer”, Slimane more than ever touched in the heart!

In addition to bringing happiness to fans, artists also make it possible to achieve great things. This is why they never hesitate to lend their support for noble causes, or to help people in distress. Proof of this is with Slimane, who recently faced the disease. He took over his Instagram account this Friday, September 30. Vitaa’s sidekick, upset by the situation of a little boy, decided to help him, in his own way, and ask for help from his community.

“Together we are stronger… Let’s find accommodation so that Ali can live with dignity near his family!”he wrote in his last post while sharing the number of the mother of the little boy to reach her in case people can help her. “This message has upset me…“, continues the singer who relayed, thereafter, the message of the mother of Ali who gave some information on the difficult situation which she had to face.

A home to save her son

“My son Ali has a rare and serious cancer called Neuroblastoma which is metastatic with an amplification of the MYC gene which means which is very aggressive”, she says at first. A way to make it clear that the situation was urgent. The little boy’s mother then lets it be known that her wonder is “beating for almost 1 year unfortunately his illness has taken over and his days are numbered!!”.

In addition to having to receive care, it is accommodation that the mother of the family must find at all costs, as she specifies in her appeal for help: “Our fight is also housing, we live at 6 in an F2 in the city of clichy la garenne except that my son must be in a room alone and sterile which does not allow us to welcome our child in the conditions adapted for some care including home support which means that he must be present at the hospital”. There is no doubt that other personalities will share the message and should allow Ali and his mother to find a solution quickly.

To see also: Christophe Willem and Slimane appear for the first time together, all Instagram conquered!


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