6,000 classes closed because of the 5th wave



France 2

Article written by

J. Longchampt, A.Tranchant, France 3 Regions – France 2

France Televisions

Children are also affected by the 5th wave of Covid. From 4,000 classes last week, 6,000 classes have been closed since Monday, November 22. A significant number, which is still far from the record known in the spring.

In the Alpes-Maritimes, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) or in the South-West, cases of Covid-19 in schools are increasing. 6,000 classes are closed on November 22, a record since the start of the school year. Like the rest of her class, Jenna, a CE1 student in Ardèche, must stay at home, one of her comrades having tested positive for Covid. On the program: homeschooling. “It’s not my job, but we manage“, confides his mother.

6,000 classes closed: the figure has continued to rise for several weeks, but it is still far from the 11,272 classes closed last April. The situation had resulted in the closure of all classes for a week, just before the holidays. In Ariège, faced with the surge in cases, several establishments no longer accommodate a whole class. For those who continue to go to school, the mask is compulsory, from the first grade.

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