[Critique] “Superficial Stains”, Emma Beko

Almost six months after Digital Damage, Emma Beko returns with Superficial Stains, the last part of his two-part album. Like a bubble in suspension, this one allows this singular lofi hip-hop artist to reveal herself a little more, without reverence, in the continuity of her first album. BLUE (2021). By granting herself the right to be vulnerable and to evoke the brutality of things – as they are and as she feels them – Beko takes us with her on a fragile but grandiose journey towards healing. Superficial Stains is a quiet and cathartic tour de force where the singer-songwriter gracefully departs from what once marked her soul and did some damage. Happiest and Everything I’m Not reflect, for example, the contradictions that have made Emma Beko one of the most honest and valuable musicians in Montreal today. As for ANGELthe last bittersweet song from the EP, it is this beacon that screams in a whisper that getting better, and especially moving forward, is possible.

Superficial Stains

★★★ 1/2

hip hop

Emma Beko, independent

To see in video

source site-47
