Info franceinfo The president of the National Cinema Center, Dominique Boutonnat, sent back to the criminal court for “sexual assault” on his godson

The producer had been indicted in February 2021, before being reappointed to the head of the National Film Center (NCC) in July.

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The president of the National Cinema Center (CNC), Dominique Boutonnat, is sent back to the criminal court for sexual assault on his then 21-year-old godson, franceinfo learned Thursday, September 29 from the Nanterre prosecution, who had requested his dismissal.

Dominique Boutonnat, 52, was indicted in February 2021 for attempted rape and sexual assault on the young man. His godson had filed a complaint against him in October 2020, for facts dating from August of the same year, during a vacation in Greece. In this complaint consulted by AFP, he accuses his godfather, with whom he has no family ties, of having tried to “masturbate” on the night of August 3, 2020, after he bathed naked in the pool, and to have then tried to force fellatio on him.

For the fact of attempted rape, the prosecution had requested a reclassification in sexual assault. The investigating judge went in the same direction, thus avoiding a trial at the assizes. Dominique Boutonnat, who “strongly disputes all of the facts”as his lawyer Emmanuel Marsigny had declared, was reappointed head of the CNC in July, despite this indictment.

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