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A probe of the Nasa intentionally crashed into the asteroid Dimorphos on the night of Monday September 26 to Tuesday September 27, as part of the mission Dart. She has intended to deviate the trajectory of the asteroid. Lighting with the jJournalist Jean-Christophe Batterypresent on the set of 12/13.
A probe of the Nasa intentionally crashed into the asteroid Dimorphoson the night of Monday 26 to Tuesday 27 September, as part of the mission dart of the Nasawhich was intended to deflect the trajectory of the asteroid. “It’s a collision that happened 11 million kilometers from Earth.“, explains the journalist Jean-Christophe Batterypresent on the set of 12/13.
“The rocket that carried Dart, this 500-kilo machine, left on November 24, 2021. The goal: reach the small asteroid and impact it, because it’s an asteroid that revolves around another, a bit like a moon, and then destabilize the two to change their trajectory. Dart also brought along a small Italian camera which remained in orbit and did not hit the asteroid. She will tell us if the change of trajectory has taken place“, continues the journalist.
“There would be 30,000 asteroids listed in the solar system. We think there’s maybe double that, and even the little ones can do a lot of damage.”concludes Jean-Christophe Battery.